There is a flame inside of everyone. Sadly, for many, that flame has been suffocated
due to living a forced, prescribed path that society said they should follow.
At Chiron Consulting, we reinvigorate those flames and give you the power to be
your own source of motivation, self-sufficiency, and life satisfaction.

Rai's Story
As a serial self-employer and breaker of expectations, I never did what people expected of me throughout my entire life.
From being the straight-A student who dropped out of high school at 16, to earning my diploma in 2 months and my Bachelor’s degree in 3 years, to abandoning the path my three advanced degrees in psychology and criminology set me on to build a freelance career because I loved copywriting… I broke all the rules society said I needed to follow.
Everything they said I couldn’t do, I did.
Not to be a rebel. Not to spit in the face of authority. (Those were just side perks 😉) But because my heart was compelled to follow my own drum beat and I knew what was right FOR ME.
From building my own marketing agency – Cornell Content Marketing – to helping large companies and solopreneurs alike build more profitable, streamlined, and joyful businesses, I’m on a mission to help people enjoy a higher quality of life while fulfilling their life’s purpose.
Only YOU know what’s right for you. Let’s find out what that is.
The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Freelance Business
The 12 Step Process for a Healthier, Happier, More Profitable Self-Employed Career
Who Is Chiron?
Chiron stands for:
- Self-reliance
- Courage
- Tenacity to overcome any obstacle
- Devotion to following your life’s purpose
Commitment to a lifetime of healing,
self-improvement, and self-defined success
As a constellation, the stars that make up Chiron’s figure each represent an area of life we work to improve here at Chiron Consulting.
While our focus is on business building and manifesting the reality you deserve, we cannot ignore any one area of our lives. When we do, our light begins to fade.
When you become part of the Chiron community, you’ll get support in all areas of your life. You’ll never be forced to hide any part of yourself.
At Chiron, we believe in teaching, healing, and strengthening the WHOLE hero – YOU!

The Story of Chiron
Chiron is the son of the titan Cronus and a nymph, Philyra. When he was born half-man and half-horse, both his mother and father rejected him.
As a result, Chiron was forced to raise himself. Living in the woods, he learned how to survive. When he was adopted by Apollo, he learned the arts of medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy.
Unlike other centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Eventually, Chiron went on to train the greatest heroes of the Greek world, including Heracles, Achilles, Ajax, and Jason.
During the trials of Heracles, Chiron was accidentally pierced by a poisoned arrow. As an immortal, he couldn’t die; yet he couldn’t heal himself either, no matter what he tried.
He went to Zeus and offered up his own life in exchange for freeing Prometheus, the titan who gave mankind fire. Touched, Zeus agreed and placed Chiron among the stars as the constellation Centaurus, vowing to bring Chiron back to Earth whenever a new hero was in need of training.
At Chiron Consulting, we believe our clients are the heroes. We’re here to help them see what the future holds and unlock their true potential by tapping into their strengths and training them up to be successful, self-sufficient, and whole.
The Story of Chiron
Chiron is the son of the titan Cronus and a nymph, Philyra. When he was born half-man and half-horse, both his mother and father rejected him.
As a result, Chiron was forced to raise himself. Living in the woods, he learned how to survive. When he was adopted by Apollo, he learned the arts of medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy.
Unlike other centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Eventually, Chiron went on to train the greatest heroes of the Greek world, including Heracles, Achilles, Ajax, and Jason.
During the trials of Heracles, Chiron was accidentally pierced by a poisoned arrow. As an immortal, he couldn’t die; yet he couldn’t heal himself either, no matter what he tried.
He went to Zeus and offered up his own life in exchange for freeing Prometheus, the titan who gave mankind fire. Touched, Zeus agreed and placed Chiron among the stars as the constellation Centaurus, vowing to bring Chiron back to Earth whenever a new hero was in need of training.
At Chiron Consulting, we believe our clients are the heroes. We’re here to help them see what the future holds and unlock their true potential by tapping into their strengths and training them up to be successful, self-sufficient, and whole.
Ready to make your own dreams a reality?
Manifestation Mindset for Entrepreneurs
With this free 8-day course delivered right to your email inbox, you’ll learn how to stop limiting yourself to what the status quo says is in your stars and start creating your own reality.
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