The Business-Building Program for Creatives Who Crave Freedom, Flexibility & Financial Independence
In this 6-month program, you’ll get all the support you need – from me and a group of dedicated, creative business owners like yourself – to break through business barriers and elevate yourself to a higher quality of life.
Increase Your Income and Build Stability & Longevity Into Your Business While Leveraging Your "Woo Woo" & Spiritual Side

The Business-Building Program for Creatives Who Crave Freedom, Flexibility & Financial Independence
In this 6-month program, you’ll get all the support you need – from me and a group of dedicated, creative business owners like yourself – to break through business barriers and elevate yourself to a higher quality of life.
Increase Your Income and Build Stability & Longevity Into Your Business While Leveraging Your "Woo Woo" & Spiritual Side
Who Is the Archer Mastermind For?
The Archer Mastermind is for creative entrepreneurs who have an established business and are striving for a healthier, happier, higher quality work and personal life!
Within the Archer program, we care about each other, we root for each other, and we support each others’ businesses.
Whether you’re struggling to scale or you want to get to know collaborative partners you can trust – or you simply don’t want to fly solo in this crazy online biz adventure! – you’ll be a part of a tight-knit group that’s invested in your success.






Who the Archer Mastermind is NOT For:
If you don’t yet have an established business, if you don’t yet know what you want your business to look like, or if you’re still thinking of yourself as a freelancer rather than a business owner, then you’re likely not ready for the Archer Mastermind.
Instead, let’s work together one-on-one to get you that clarity, confidence, and strong foundation so you can graduate to building the business you love!
Business Mentoring + Collaborative Support from Other Woo Woo Creatives Who CARE About Your Success!
Hear from Chiron Clients...

What's Included
The Archer Mastermind is the most cost-effective way to grow your online business with expert mentoring and supportive camaraderie. You’ll get access to monthly trainings, group coaching, exclusive Archer-only events, plus every Workshop and Course in The Chiron Academy for the life of your membership!
Choose Your Path
Step 1: Choose The Archer Mastermind or The Epic Upgrade
Step 2: Choose if you want to add on the In-Real-Life (IRL) Retreat.
Step 3: Choose if you want to pay monthly or pay in full and save!
Special Mastermind Savings!
Join by May 31st and save 10%!
Archer Mastermind
12 More Spots Available!month
The group mentoring experience includes:
A Monthly Live Training
Two 90-Minute Co-Working Hours per month
Monthly Chiron Council Group Coaching Session
Special Guest Trainings on everything from financial planning to understanding your human design!
Access to ALL Session Recordings
A Private Slack Q&A Channel with Rai and your fellow Masterminders
Access to everything included in the Apollo Membership Program including...
ALL On-Demand & Live Workshops – Past, present, and future!
ALL Courses – Past, present, and future!
Quarterly Planning Sessions
Our Annual Week-Long Business Building Event for "Woo Woo" Entrepreneurs

Pay In Full & Save!
for 6 months!
Upgrade to Epic
Only 3 more spots available!month
Want to add a one-on-one component to your Archer experience?
Work directly with me, Rai Hyde, in the Epic Upgrade exclusively for Archer Members!
The Epic Upgrade includes: -
EVERYTHING from the Archer Mastermind group experience, plus…
A Monthly 60-Minute "Arrow Hour" for private mentoring – just you and me; nothing’s off limits!
Unlimited private messaging support for anytime, anywhere 1:1 mentoring

Pay In Full & Save!
for 6 months!
The IRL Retreat
15 Spots Available!month
Looking for an in real life getaway to focus on designing and building your future?
Join your fellow Archers in person for a 3-day high-vibe, business-building retreat!
The IRL Retreat includes: -
Three power-packed days of problem-solving, teaching, and connection.
Face-to-face coaching on your biggest business blocks.
An Archer-Only dinner on the town!
A few surprise goodies!

Not sure if you’ll be able to make it to the event?
Sign up for the base Archer Mastermind membership or the Epic Upgrade and you’ll have the option to purchase your ticket for $850 anytime between now and August 26th, 2022!
We start on July 1, 2022!
The Archer Mastermind is a 6-month program with the opportunity to continue with your cohort for as long as you like!
Not sure if Archer is right for you?
Hop on a call with me and lets's talk through
all of your questions!

What Is a Mastermind?
Back in 1925, author Napoleon Hill coined the term in his book, The Law of Success. By definition, a mastermind group is “a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members.”
A mastermind is NOT a place for you to pay money just to be introduced to “connected” or “influential” people. That’s simply what some online entrepreneurs and “coaches” have bastardized masterminds into for the sake of profit. And it’s icky.
Within the Archer Mastermind, you’ll get support for all of the ongoing challenges of building a business. Whenever you need help, we’re there.
Why Do I Need to Apply?
The Archer Mastermind is a tight-knit community that is designed to help everyone grow together. We ask you to apply so that we can:
- Make sure no one is joining the group for unscrupulous reasons, like to sell shit to our members. (Yes, that actually happens!)
- Fill the group with entrepreneurs who are building similar businesses and can therefore learn from each other.
- Get to know you a bit better and make sure you will actually benefit from being in the group. There’s no sense in paying for something that might not be what you need right now.

Trust your gut (aka, your intuition)! What vibe do you get from me? If you’ve never read any of my social posts, you’ve never taken any of my live workshops, and you aren’t a member of the Chiron Community in Slack, then explore one or more of those avenues to get a better sense of who I am and what Chiron stands for.
You’re also welcome to book a free call with me to learn more and ask any questions you have about me, Archer, or any of my other programs.
Generally speaking, the Archer Mastermind is ideal for people who run creative, service-based businesses and know that your business impacts your life, and vice versa – and you want it ALL to improve!
At Chiron, we believe in building healthy businesses that support a happy, fulfilling lifestyle tailored to YOU! In the Archer Mastermind, that’s exactly what we’ll help you do.
If I was able to completely take over you, your clients, and every interaction you have with your business, then yes – I’d definitely guarantee results!
But I can’t and won’t be your puppet master – and you don’t want me to because then it wouldn’t be YOUR business!
What I can guarantee you is that if you work with me, if you’re honest with me about what’s going on within your business and your personal life, then yes, you’ll get results.
I’ve been building online businesses for over 15 years and have helped grow hundreds of companies. There’s one thing they all have in common – when the leader of the business has his or her heart in it and energy aligned to the goals, success is inevitable. It just becomes a matter of getting you there FASTER and EASIER.
So if you’re ready to get into alignment, fill your gaps in knowledge, and learn some super fucking cool jedi mind tricks for managing your clients, your time, your projects, and your success, then you’ll get the results you want.
If you participate in every single group call – trainings, co-working hours, group coaching, and group chats in Slack – it’ll be about 2 hours per week.
Of course, we’re here for you when you need us. So if you don’t want to participate in everything, you don’t have to. You’ll always have access to the recordings if you want to go back to them.
Tentatively, group trainings, co-working hours, and coaching will be weekly at 2pm Central on Tuesdays. We’re open to changing this schedule, though, if multiple Masterminders are unable to meet at this time.
To make sure that I’m able to give everyone personalized attention during coaching calls and responses to questions in our private Slack community, the Archer Mastermind is limited to 12 people.
Absolutely not. While I do teach what I believe are two halves of the same coin – business building + focused energy to bring about the life you want – I work with men and women of all religious affiliations and those who are non-religious or identify as spiritual.
The reason I teach both sides is because I can give you – and will give you – all the tools and techniques for building a successful businesses. But none of it will do a damn bit of good if your energy isn’t in it. If you have personal blocks, limiting beliefs, or something in an area of your life that’s causing resistance, then your practical, business-building strategies aren’t going to work.
That’s why I work with my clients to master BOTH – the business-building side and the mindset side.
Everything you could possibly want to know about The Archer Mastermind Q3/Q4 2022 lives in this Guide. Enjoy!
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