
Episode 14

Overcoming Fear & Owning Your Visibility

with Gina Strole

Do you feel like you have blockages that are holding you back from your true potential? Gina Strole, intuitive energy healer and medium, shares the importance of connecting to your spiritual side to knock down the things that are standing in the way of your success. Learn how to lean into your inner “woo woo” as Strole guides you through her work as an intuitive energy healer and helps you discover the significance your self-worth has in your life choices.

Our Guest

Gina Strole

My name is Gina Strole. I am an Intuitive Energy Healer and Medium, teaching my clients and students to stand in their own power, live their lives unapologetically, and enjoy feelings of gratitude and love on a daily basis.

Show Notes

Jump To:

  • 00:59 – Meet Gina!
  • 01:58 – How I Started My Business
  • 03:44 – How I Overcame the Fear of Being Visible
  • 06:15 – Trust Your Intuition
  • 08:01 – Coming Out of the “Woo-woo” Closet in a Conservative State
  • 13:16 – How I Help My Clients
  • 14:51 – The True Meaning of “Knowing Your Worth”
  • 18:08 – Pricing Yourself Without Letting the World’s Perception Affect You
  • 20:34 – The Perfect Price Indicator
  • 24:55 – Abundance: Stepping Into Your Own Self-Worth
  • 31:02 –  Never Undercharge Because You Love What You Do
  • 34:44 – Find a Healer Who Can Help You Step Out of Your Old Self
  • 39:14 – Learning To Trust the Universe
  • 42:32 – Where Can You Find Gina?


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Rai (00:00):
All good. I mean, it’s, it’s all a part of the work from home life. Right, right. Yeah. Okay. So we’ll do that bit of silence first. So,

Rai (00:15):
Alright. So today we have Gina Strole, the transformational intuitive healer and spiritual coach. I am so glad to have you here, Gina. Thank you so much. Tell me, tell me about your business. What is it that you do?

Gina (00:31):
Well, like she said, my name is Gina Strole. I am a transformational intuitive healer and a spiritual coach. I love teaching people about abundance and how to transform their lives so that they can step out of their old belief systems and live the life that they’ve always desired and always wanted. A lot of my work is wrapped around, stepping out of shame and guilt and all the things that hold us back from really stepping forward and living our true life’s purpose. So,

Rai (00:57):
So you are the absolute, most perfect person to have on this podcast because that is exactly what we’re here to do. That’s what Chiron is here to do. That’s what the SOAR podcast is here to do. To help people step out of all the ‘shoulds’. I should be doing this. I should follow this pathway. I should get the degree. I should have the 2.5 kids. And really step into what they’re meant to be doing with their one life.

Gina (01:23):
Absolutely, absolutely.

Rai (01:26):
What got you into this line of work? How did you get to where you are today?

Gina (01:30):
Well, I actually was a wedding and family photographer for 10 years before I started this. Before that I had other jobs, I taught ESL for a few years when I did miscellaneous things. I’ve kind of always taught for as long as I can remember, but I knew doing photography that it was not my forever calling and when I was doing photography, I was hiding behind a camera and I didn’t of course see it at that time, but I was hiding behind the camera because deep down inside, I knew that I had abilities that I needed to share with other people. And it took me a long time to step out from behind the camera and decide that it was okay to show up. And I had to do that by doing my own personal healing work because, and that’s why I do what I do. It’s because I’ve seen that transformation that can happen by doing that work.

Gina (02:26):
So I knew for a long time, in fact, I remember I can pretty much pinpoint the day when I knew that I needed to start showing up and putting myself out into social media and doing it, and that was about six years ago. And it was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. I live in Utah. It’s not the coolest thing in the world to step out and say, because I’m also a medium, I speak to those who are no longer living with us. And you say that here where I live in and nobody wants to hear that. Like, that’s of the devil, you know, so it really was a very scary thing, but by doing that, if I hadn’t done that, I guess I wouldn’t be here where I am today. And so many people that I’ve been able to help along the way. And that’s been the cool part about all of it. So, yeah.

Rai (03:16):
So tell me about that moment. You said that you remember the exact moment about six years ago when you decided to set your fear aside, which I think is something that we can all relate to. I mean, I’m a huge introvert and doing even like a podcast is me stretching out of my comfort zone. I mean, let alone doing a photo shoot and putting those pictures on social media and things like that. I think we can all feel that fear, but what was it for you that you were able to set that aside and become visible?

Gina (03:48):
Well, because I had been working, because I do work in the spiritual side of life. I believe that we all have a purpose and we all have things to do. And I felt it in my soul that this is what I was supposed to do. And I knew it, like I knew nothing else. I couldn’t deny it anymore. And so I just did it and I trusted it and it was one of the best things that I’ve ever done. It wasn’t easy. I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit many days because it’s not easy, but that’s part of being an entrepreneur and doing the work that we do and showing up. But I did it because I knew in my heart, this was my life purpose. And when you get to that point, I couldn’t deny it. And I also was just thinking about this the other day, because actually just a couple of weeks ago, I was like, I’m quitting, I’m done.

Gina (04:39):
This is too hard. I don’t want to do it anymore. Cause I think we all go through these little bumps in the road. And I remember I spend a lot of time studying in meditation and studying with myself and studying with my guides and I heard, but you promised. And I was like, and it was right because I did, I promised to them that if they would help me step out of my fear and out of this being afraid to show up and being afraid to be in front of people and share my experience that they would help me do that. I promised that I would serve. And so that was the turning point for me. And I even got this reminder, like I said, just a few weeks ago that remember you promised and it was like, you’re right. I did. And I will keep doing what I do because I know that this is my purpose. And so, yeah, that’s kind of how all that went down. I mean, I still remember the day when they, when I felt that need that pull to start getting out in front of people and putting myself out on social media, it was scary, but I made a promise and I will do it.

Rai (05:47):
So you had your guides and your spirituality, which is very powerful for you. You have that to keep you strong and keep you on that path and commit to being visible. What advice would you give to someone who maybe they’ve never connected with their guides or their spiritual side, and they’re on this entrepreneurial journey. They feel the pull to work for themselves to do their own thing, to forge their own path in life, but they are just terrified. What would you tell them?

Gina (06:18):
I would tell them to trust in what you’re getting, because your intuition is there for a reason. And there’s a reason that you are being pulled. There is somebody who needs you. There is somebody out there that they’re praying for you and they need you to show up. And they’re going to find you, if you don’t get off the couch and do hard things. So, you know, it’s just putting yourself out there and knowing and trusting that there’s a reason you’re being led. It may not turn out like roses and it’s not going to be easy. I will guarantee. It is not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. And, but you’ve got to trust that, you’ve got to trust in something, whatever it is that you trust in. If you trust in God, if you trust in your guidance, whatever you want to call it, there has to be something out there that you see that’s bigger than you are.

Gina (07:05):
And you have to trust that you’re being pulled that way for a reason. And you may never know the answer. To me now I’m starting to see the answers. It’s because I’ve watched people and the transformations that happen. And the more I do it, the more I build my self-confidence and build up my courage and I do bigger and bigger and bigger. And I keep growing. The more I watch that, the more I understand. Oh, that’s why, because it’s not about you. I guarantee you, it’s not about you. It’s about the people that are designed to help.

Rai (07:33):
And earlier, you said that, you know, you live in Utah, a very conservative state. I completely understand. I live in Lubbock, Texas, which is the second most conservative city over a certain population number. Second to Provo, Utah. So I think we’re in very similar climates. Was there anything I don’t want to say negative because I feel like everything happens for a reason, but were there any painful side effects to you basically coming out of the woo-woo closet and saying, this is me, this is what I do. And this is how I choose to spend my life and make my money in the world.

Gina (08:11):
Actually there was a very interesting experience and I wrote a book on it because I’m like, yes, I did write a book. I wrote a book about my fears walking out of the closet basically, and coming out of the spiritual closet. So it was a situation where I had been friends with someone that I had known for quite a while. And when I did photography, she had a lot of land and I was able to use her land to go and take pictures there. She just let me have free run. Well, she didn’t know I’ve been this way my whole life, I’ve hid from it my whole life. And that’s why I say it was just easier to hide behind photography. It’s really easy to go to dinner with somebody and they ask you, so what do you do?

Gina (08:58):
Because that’s the question that everybody asks and it was so easy to say, yeah, I’m a family and wedding and events photographer. Like and oh, we can have the conversations about that. But if you go sit down and say, well, I’m a medium and I’m an intuitive healer. They’re like, what the hell is that? And you just caused all sorts of triggers inside of a whole lot of people where we live. And so this lady I’ve been friends with and she didn’t know about my “woo-woo” side. And I had never shared that with her because for one, I hadn’t really shared it with anybody. It had been something that I had been really just hidden in the closet. I called myself the bathroom medium for a long time because I was really good. I could go in the bathroom and connect with them and I didn’t have to share it with anybody.

Gina (09:46):
Like, and it made me feel better. I felt like I was doing my job, but it wasn’t enough. And so as soon as it came out, as soon as I came out of the closet, pretty much all hell broke loose. And yeah, she was texting me every day, sending me Bible verses, telling me all the sins. And it was one of the toughest times in my life. And not only did I think she was my friend, I realized she wasn’t really my friend. She was only my friend when I made her comfortable, but I had to really deal with the thing that I had feared the most. And that was judgment from other people. And this went on for 30 days. I found out later that the church that she went to, it also put my name on the prayer roll with a bunch of other mediums that they had googled.

Gina (10:33):
And these were all people that I had worked with. I had done weddings for a lot of these people. I had worked with the preacher. We had done weddings together, like in my photography world, I was friends with these people. And now suddenly I was victim number one on the list of, you know, and it’s turned up all sorts of things in there. But the thing that I got from all of that is it made me the strongest person I have ever. I didn’t even know that I had that kind of strength inside of me because after it was all said and done, she told me that if I didn’t change, she couldn’t be friends with me. And I said, you know what, that’s fine. That is your choice. But here’s the deal. I will not change to make you feel better and I will not change to make you comfortable.

Gina (11:17):
And of course, she went off about how I was going to hell and all other things, but it didn’t matter because I knew who I was and it made my purpose so much deeper for me, so much knowing. In fact at the end of that time, I actually thanked her for putting me through that. Crazy. But I think tough for that opportunity to be in a space. So there’s going to be people who are just not going to see your vision. They’re just not, but it’s not for them to see. And you can’t cave to that. I’ve said it many times, if I would’ve caved to her and not done what I knew I needed to do, how differently my life would be today.

Rai (11:56):
Yeah. You would still be miserable and hiding.

Gina (11:59):
Oh and it would be horrible and it’s not worth it because I didn’t come here to make her happy. So,

Rai (12:05):
Yeah. And what I love is that you, I love what you said about your worst fear came to life, but you’ve lived your worst fear. It wasn’t just a “Oh, I’m afraid this will happen” And then you actually do it. And you’re like, oh, I was, you know, just exaggerating things in my mind. No, you went through it and you survived. And on top of that, you felt gratitude for the experience. You were actually grateful that you lived through that worst fear.

Gina (12:36):
Absolutely. Yeah. The one thing I had dreaded the most in my life came true. But it was such a great strike to know on the other side of it that I did, I survived and it’s okay.

Rai (12:48):
So now what are the issues that you help your clients work through the most?

Gina (12:54):
A lot of stuff. Well we work on a lot of abundance issues because it comes down to self-worth and if we, I guess I would have to say even over the abundance stuff, we deal a lot in self-worth and I do healing packages of people. So they come and see me for several sessions in a row, which is super cool because we can really get to the nitty-gritty. It takes people about three sessions sometimes to like open up and here we go, and it’s not just coaching, it’s healing them along the way. So if we get past those outer layer, most everything that we deal with comes down to our self-worth and what we believe we are worth and what we believe we deserve and that we can have. And so that’s probably one of the main things is helping people work and understand that you don’t have to earn your way to be here.

Gina (13:47):
You don’t have to earn your way into people’s lives, just be you. I say it a million times. People will either love me or hate me and that’s okay. Like it’s not for me to judge them or to decide what they wanna do. They’ll either love your energy and be subject to you or they won’t. And it’s okay. But knowing that and understanding that on a human level is totally different than just saying, yeah, I should know how much I’m worth, because most of us really don’t, we’ve had things that happened to us in our childhood and our past that are really just anchoring us down and holding us back from being the person that we truly are designed to be. Yeah.

Rai (14:23):
And it’s interesting. Cause you’re using phrases that I feel like we see a lot on social media. We see abundance, we see know your worth, but what does that phrase actually mean for you? Who’s someone who you get into the nitty gritty. You look at the good, bad, and the ugly with people. You go through these transformative experiences with your clients. What does the phrase know your worth really mean? Is it something, as you know, I don’t want to say superficial, but that’s the word that comes to mind as pricing your services? Or is it something that runs much deeper?

Gina (15:01):
I’ll actually share something about me because I think this makes perfect sense of what we’re talking about as the business sense, for sure, because this has been a huge business growth year for me, like huge. And it started out in the beginning of the year because I signed up and did a mastermind course. It’s more money than I’d ever spent on myself before. And I realized by doing that, I gave my self permission to charge more for the courses and things that I am doing. And not only that, as soon as I realized that, you know what, it wasn’t my pricing, it wasn’t about what I thought I was worth because we base our pricing on what we think we can deliver and how we think we show up and how, which when you’re in that place of lack, and you’re not stepping into your true power, that is not the place to base your prices off of.

Gina (15:55):
Because as you step out of that and realize that, for me, by signing up for this course, by spending that huge amount of money on myself, I stepped into this place of understanding that I fricking transform people’s lives. And when I did that, my whole self-worth changed, my whole opinion of myself, in fact as I said it to you I just got goosebumps, like, because everything flipped inside of me and it was such an amazing transformation. And I understood for the first time in my life, when I saw that happened to myself, what I’m offering to my clients, because I helped them understand that it’s you starting to show up, it’s you understanding that your opinion and your worth isn’t based on what everybody else is telling you that you’re worth. It’s about the, you know, like you know, like nobody’s business that I’m not here to earn your respect or your people, I’m here to do me.

Gina (16:49):
And I’m here to know that I matter in this world and everything else will take care of itself around you. And that’s what I feel intuitive showing this for people, because it really goes back to that inner child healing and do that inner child work for them and help them see those things were never about them. It was not about you, as soon as your dad leaving or your mom never showing up, or you know, whatever it is or alcoholic father, that just couldn’t get sober. Like those things were never about you, but we make them about us. And when we do that, we lose our sense of who we are. And the intuitive healing to me, changes that for people. It’s changed it in my life, which is why I preach it to the fricking rooftops because it’s changed my life and I’ve watched it change other people’s life, perception of themselves change. And that’s truly the most remarkable thing.

Rai (17:40):
But it’s a difficult balance. Isn’t it? Because what we started by talking about was finding your purpose and how for you, that was like this coming out of the closet. Like I am finally doing the right thing, like this click into place, so to speak. And following that path of this is what you’re meant to do. You’re meant to impact others. But then also there’s, there are all these layers of, well, people perceive me as this and that translates into people perceive my value as this. And it all feels very complex and messy to detangle. Your purpose is to help others. Others have perceptions that they’re putting on you, but you have to be the one to price yourself based on what value, you know, that you’re offering the world based in your purpose without letting everyone else’s perceptions impact that. So how do you untangle all of that?

Gina (18:40):
It’s not easy to do. And just like I told you, you know, I’ve been the broken healer for a whole lot of years because, you know, we got to give our services away. To me being in this spiritual entrepreneurship is like a whole other thing. You know, if you’ve gone to college and you do all these meetings and people tell you, this is what you’re worth, this is what you can get. And you’re like, oh, okay, you can do it the other route and nobody’s out there telling you. In fact, most of what you’re hearing is you charge how much for that. You should be doing that for free because you were given those abilities. And it’s like, no, I shouldn’t be doing that for free. Because what you get from me is worth more than that. It’s a balance and it’s a learning.

Gina (19:21):
And it’s an understanding. And learning to understand the difference between what you think you’re worth and what you offer people and separating those. Because as you separate those, you realize, oh my gosh, people do have amazing… they get amazing value from me and not basing it on, oh my gosh, I’m only worth, or, you know, my money issues are all wrapped up into it. Or, you know what I’ve been told all these years that I’m never gonna make anything out of myself as all wrapped in. So you’re out there charging beans. We’ll put it that way for services that you do, that you should be charging so much more for, because that service is worth that. Your time is worth that, your energy is worth all of those things.

Rai (20:06):
What is for you? In my Pricing Workshop and in our Money Mindset Mastery course, we call this the perfect price indicator, which for me is the intuitive feeling, that gut feeling that click into place of the number, this number just, it just feels good. It feels exciting. For you, what is the indicator? The kind of like sparks going off. Yes. You’ve landed on it sign that people can look for to know if they are on the right path to charging what they’re worth or if they’re low-balling themselves, or if they’re pricing themselves out of opportunities

Gina (20:49):
It absolutely has to feel honoring. 100% honoring. And if you price yourself and you go do that first coaching session, or you go do the first, you know, whatever it is that you’re doing, your one-on-ones. And it doesn’t feel like the exchange is there. That money exchange must be there in order for transformation to happen. For me, I do meditation because that’s what I, that’s how I do. I sit with my intuition, I sit with myself every day and I ask myself what feels good. Now I’ve even just done a major revamp again because what felt good six months ago doesn’t feel good to me anymore. And so it’s constantly an adjusting. It’s constantly adding value back in because I’m not the healer that I was six months ago. I have completely transformed and changed. And in six months from now, I won’t be the healer that I am today. And that’s when you know, you’re on the right path because it should absolutely feel honoring. And I believe it should scare the shit out of you a little bit.

Gina (21:54):
I’m just gonna throw that out there because you should look at that number and go like, you need to breathe in the bag for a minute. And then you go, okay, you know what? I’m going to trust it because this is where that trust comes in a little bit. I remember the first time I went and I hyped up my healing packages this year, and I literally was breathing in the bag for about a week. I was like, you want me to do what? I’m like coming out of the closet was bad. You want to put that number on my website? Oh dear. But you know what? It has been one of the… when $5,000 Gina shows up, you better hold on because you’re about to get one hell of a healing. Where before when $200 Gina showed up. Yeah. There’s a huge difference in the energy exchange that goes in there. And so, you know to me, I think that number should scare you a little bit. And then I think you trust it and you go for it and you watch your business grow. Because once you bring that kind of energy to the table, you can’t help it girl. There’s no way, you can’t help it.

Rai (22:55):
It’s almost like you have to elevate money, the price of it in order to elevate your own skills and how you’re delivering. And when you have those things in balance, and they’re almost challenging each other, that’s when you get to do actually better work for your clients, deliver better, over deliver and get those people the results they’re really looking for.

Gina (23:20):
And I just had a thought pop into my head too, because I’ve heard people say, well, I can’t raise my prices until I have to do. And I’m like, no, you raise your prices. And the rest of it will come. And if you’re even thinking about, I need to raise my prices, if this thought is even like starting to go, then you need to do something about it. And you need to listen to that because it’s time for you to grow and growing isn’t always comfortable in business. This is where we get. It’s not comfortable. If you’re comfortable, something’s not right. You need to check out what’s going on because I even just recently, I signed up for another mastermind course for the next six months. And it was funny because I didn’t want to do it. And I was like, I am so sick of being comfortable. Like I just freaking take a break. I’m tired of growing, but I realized it was me holding myself back once again. And once you start seeing those signs and you start seeing, oh my gosh, because uncomfortable means you’re growing. Uncomfortable is good in business. It’s hard, but it’s good. And you want to be there. You don’t want to be sitting on the fence. If you’re sitting on the fence, you’re not listening to your intuition and growing your business. Like, it’s just, you can’t sit on the fence.

Rai (24:27):
They don’t go hand in hand. And what you’re talking about with regard to, you know, moving your prices up before you’re ready, that feels like the real shift from that scarcity mindset into that abundance mindset. And abundance is another one of those words that we see it all over Instagram. We hear people throwing it around all the time, but what does it actually mean? Tell us from, you know, an intuitive healer and from a spiritual coach, what does abundance actually mean?

Gina (24:57):
Abundance is stepping into your own self-worth and knowing that you can have anything that you desire in your life. To me, that is the bottom bones of abundance. I’ve been teaching abundance courses for the last year and a half now. And it’s been so cool. Well, I’ve watched myself grow just by teaching the courses, but I’ve watched people transform because once they understand what they’re worth and once they understand, and I know we just got to throwing that term around loosely either. But once we do that healing work behind that and get rid of all of that old garbage that’s tied to who they think they are. And I tell people on the first day of any of my healing sessions, any of my courses say goodbye to the person that you’re looking at in the mirror today, because she’s not here anymore. And you’re about to let, and it’s not a scary thing.

Gina (25:43):
It’s a good thing. You’re about to let go of some heavy shit so that we can move forward and do different things for you in your life. Because if you stay where you’re at, if your beliefs stay where you’re at, you will not grow up. And I firmly believe that because we will hold on tight to those. We will try and justify it and say, it’s just the way we are. No, it’s not just the way you are. It’s you not allowing yourself to step out of that fear and into that love and step forward.

Rai (26:10):
Yeah. And I think especially, you know, not to get too political or anything, but especially in our Western society, a lot of people think that abundance means materialism. They think, oh, I’m going to have the car and the house and the toys and all the things. So how does abundance actually show up in someone’s life? Once they’ve made that shift?

Gina (26:31):
To me, it shows up in all different areas. Yes. It shows up in money. You know, it definitely absolutely shows up in money. But it also shows up in your health. It also shows up in relationships. When you shift that mindset into opening up and understanding that you’re worth so much more than you’re allowing yourself even wrap your head around. When you shift out of that lack and scarcity into the world of I can have whatever I want. When you do that, it changes everything around you. You will feel better. You will look better. People will tell you you look younger, what are you doing? Like, because you have now let go of all of that heavy, heavy, energetic feelings of I can’t. And it’s not that we don’t go through them again. You know, as you grow and they come up in a different way for you, they’ll come up, you’ll start seeing them earlier. And you’ll be like, nope, that’s not who I want to be, not going there. But you can step out of that because it’s truly not just about money, but money comes when you let go of the rest of it. Yeah.

Rai (27:37):
And that’s one thing that we talk a lot about within the Chiron community, which is, and by the way, I love earlier that you said you were the broken healer because as you probably know, Chiron, who’s the namesake of everything that we’re doing here is the wounded healer. He’s the one who was wounded, but dedicates his life to helping everyone else heal from their own wounds. And I mean, that’s really what you’re doing as an intuitive healer. And a lot of what we talk about is around quality of life. And it sounds like that’s what you’re saying, abundance is, it’s not, you know, you’re not going to have a house stuffed full of stuff unless you want that. But if that’s not what you want, don’t shy away from abundance. Abundance means your quality of life, everything that you want, everything that you deserve is going to magnetize towards you.

Gina (28:29):
Absolutely. And it starts just falling into place for you. I mean, I’ve been looking at my life just the last couple of weeks. In fact, in my abundance course, we have our chat open and we chat back and forth in there and we were showing each other, our visions boards today. Well, today I’m about to knock, I decided I had to wait till tomorrow to actually push the book, but I’m about to knock off a pretty big one off of my vision board. And it just like fell into place. Things just like, it’s almost like they fall out of the sky and you’re like, oh, there it is. Maybe. And you know, just this week I’m working on some business stuff. I hired an attorney and was doing things and he sent me his bill and I paid it and while I was doing a healing session, that same amount of money came right back to me, literally.

Gina (29:17):
Like, it just happened just that. And this is what I’m talking about when you’re in that flow. And you understand that. And my husband’s like, you spent how many you did what? Because our husbands aren’t always on the same page with us. Like it’s just not. And I just smile at him and go about my business. Like, because I know what I built, like, but I told him, I said, let me tell you what happened today. I went and I paid the attorney and bam, within 30 minutes I had the money right back in my account. So, you know, it’s just crazy how, when we open up to this whole thing of allowing our self to heal from our own wounds and understanding that we don’t get our self-worth from other people, we understand that for ourselves. And we stand strong in that place. The world really, you can have whatever you want.

Gina (30:02):
You’re meant to live this abundant life. You’re not meant to sit here and worry and fret and get all scared because we’re not going to have any more. And I can’t spend any money because it’s not going to come back to me. We’re not meant to be that way, but our humanness wants us to be that way. And that’s how we stay small. You won’t ever grow that way. You can live in that fear and keep doing what you’re always doing. And I guarantee you in six months, a year from now, you’ll still be right where you’re at. Or you can decide that you need to trust in something bigger than yourself.

Rai (30:34):
And for the people who, you know, we have a lot of designers, a lot of writers, a lot of VA’s and a lot of coaches in the Chiron community. And a lot of people feel like if they are doing what they love, they shouldn’t charge a lot for it because it comes naturally to them or it’s easy for them, or in the case of people who do coaching and healing, they feel like, well, if I’m charging someone money, that’s hurting them and I need to be helping them. My purpose is to help people. So how can I charge money for that? What do you say to the people who have that sort of mentality?

Gina (31:18):
I was there for a long time. We’ll just say that I was in that place of feeling like, especially in the mediumship world, I felt that it was almost a dishonoring service to charge people to do that. And I realized that that was my own self worth, getting in the way that was actually my ego getting in the way of the work that I’m doing, because we somehow think, see, this goes back to the broken wounded healer again. I somehow think that because I have this ability, which by the way, I’ve worked very hard to be where I am today. You know? So these are things that I’ll take into, cause I didn’t just show up and start giving people private readings, and not that you can’t do that, but there’s a lot that goes into that in order to do it properly for people so that we don’t hurt people. It’s the same in the coaching world.

Gina (32:03):
It’s the same that I used to think that, oh my gosh, and it’s not that I don’t ever do free work. There’s a time and a place for it. There’s a time to give and there’s a time to receive, but I’m telling you, if you want your work to grow, you need to charge. You need to stop giving your stuff away for free because you’re giving your soul away basically. That’s how it feels to me. You’re stepping out of that and you’re dishonoring the service that you’re doing by saying that it doesn’t have a dollar value. And by the way, money is just energy. Like everything else. It is simply an exchange for the time and the services that you’re doing. And why wouldn’t you charge someone, you don’t go to your doctor. And he goes, oh my gosh, you’re having a really hard time.

Gina (32:47):
I can see you had cancer for six months. Here, this is on me. You wouldn’t. That’s ridiculous. And you wouldn’t even ask for that. But a lot of times as entrepreneurs, we think in order to get clients, we have to give our stuff away. And this is just more work that needs to be done inside of you. This is just an opportunity for you to see that, you know what? I need to do some personal healing on myself. I need to take time out for myself and realize that what I offer the world deserves, I deserve to get something in exchange. And if it’s wherever you’re at, but don’t do it for free. There has to be some energetic exchange going on. Even if in the beginning, you’re exchanging for testimonials. You need that for your work. Yeah. Make that energetic exchange happen somehow, some way so that you’re not just giving your service away and not disservicing and discrediting the work that you do.

Rai (33:40):
So for the people who are just starting on this journey to understanding exactly what you just said, I love that you said money is energy because that’s what I preach and shout from the rooftops to anybody who listened as well, it’s energy and it needs to flow. And if you have this white knuckle death grip on it, you’re just stifling it. You’re just putting up a dam that says, don’t come here. And if you open up, it will flow through you and you give it a purpose. And I could go on and on. Anyway,

Rai (34:16):
So for people who are just starting to open up their minds to this concept that money is energy and everything that we’ve been taught in Western culture. And especially in our generations about frugality and save for the future and penny pinching. And you know, all of those things, what would be your recommendation as a first one or two steps to start that healing process

Gina (34:41):
For one, because I’m a healer, I would say, go find yourself a healer. Like to me, that’s what I preach it to the rooftops. If I’m not in your area, go find somebody who is. Find somebody that can help you work through those old stories and find someone who can help you step out of your old self, because those are not true. They’re not true, but we believe that. And then you need to start opening up. I just had a story drop into my head and I love sharing personal stories because it like drives my thing home. But back in 2015 was when I really, really started like living the abundance dream. And it was because that year was the year from hell for us. And we’d had several things happen that year. My daughter had thyroid cancer. We had a ton of medical issues.

Gina (35:31):
My husband had medical issues. I had medical issues. We had deaths in the family. It was just like this rowing like roller coaster of shit. Like, and it just kept coming and coming and coming. And not only that, we had kids in college at the time and we just had so much going on there. And the financial aspect of it was almost stifling. Like you just kind of stepped back and took a big deep breath oh geez. We’re just holding on for dear life. And I remember I had just started into, well, that year was really when I found the secret and my neighbor brought this. I was still doing photography then full-time. I was doing this on the side, kind of like, you know, still hiding in the corner because, you know, and I remember she brings me this book.

Gina (36:21):
She brought me the secret. She actually brought it to me on tape. And I had done her pictures that day. And I’m like bawling because I’m like, I’ve had it. And she just hands it to me. And she was like, here you go Gina, you’ll be fine. And I’m thinking, did you just hear what I said, because I was just in this place of like, where is the world for me? Like, I was just starting to feel like everything was just more than I could take. Like, and I was worried about not having enough, worried about taking care of my family and in this place of really just lack and worry. And I remember the first time I listened to that secret, I think I listened to all of those books, probably 10 times that year. And by the end of the year, I remember saying, oh my gosh, I don’t want to go through this year again.

Gina (37:05):
But I am so grateful that I had this opportunity because I would have never stepped out of my scarcity and my worry and my shame of all of the shame stories that we tell ourselves and all these things had I not had that year. And I still say, it’s my year from hell. But then we fast forward a couple of months and we were doing our taxes and we were doing all of our medical stuff. And my husband, he calls me and he said, do you have any idea how much we spent on medical last year? And I’m like, I don’t even want to know, but please do not tell me the number because, and I was kind of complaining cause I had spent my savings and you know, we had done everything we could to keep our head afloat. And he told me the number and I broke down and I started crying and I thought, all my bills are paid. How the hell did we pay that? I can’t even tell you. But every single one of them were taken care of. Nobody was beating down my door. Nobody was, and I was bawling because my savings gone.

Gina (38:03):
Yeah, that really taught me that if you will just trust it, things will take care of themselves. And if you will open up to that possibility of, I don’t know how we’re going to do this, but you know, what, how can I make it work instead of asking oh my gosh we’re never going to make it work. How can this be Okay, how can this just work itself out? And it always will, like every single time the universe will show you time and time again, if you’ll just open up to that opportunity of being okay, and it’s the same thing in your business, you don’t need to know the how, it’s been your business, the how is zero of your business, what you need to do is start following those intuitive hits and just do what you’re led to do. And the rest of it will take care of itself.

Rai (38:46):
I think that’s the hardest part though. Trusting. That trust piece. When so many people, especially freelancers and entrepreneurs, I feel like there’s this pattern that I see, or maybe it’s just the people that I tend to attract into our community, but we’ve all been living our lives in a state of not being able to trust anyone, but ourselves. Our parents may have let us down. Maybe something happened, maybe something traumatic, but it was always, you only have yourself to trust. And so the idea of trusting to something that is bigger than us, that we can’t visually see that we just feel is there, how do we start to trust and take that first leap?

Gina (39:35):
Yeah. Well, there’s one thing that I do, one of the first things that I do. So I mentioned that I teach an abundance course and one of the first things that I do, because we’re just starting out and everybody’s like scary stories and I never have money and our family never has money and we’ve never had money. And gosh, did you see the neighbors? They just went on that cool trip, we’ll never go on a trip. So we have to like back up. And the first thing that I have people do is I have people go to the bank and somebody will be like, are you kidding me? And I have them take out an amount of money that feels really scary to them. And the reason that I do that and they bring this money home and they’re to put it in a safe place and it’s to be used for whatever it is that they feel like it needs to be used for they’ll know that having that money sitting there seems to take that edge off of the scarcity.

Gina (40:31):
And I’ve taught this many times to people. I do it for myself. I always have a stash of money somewhere because when we feel like we have cash, we can go get for anything. It takes us out of that. It’s an easy way to remind ourselves, you know, what? We really do live an amazing abundant life. And when you look around, everybody says, like just when I have enough, you have enough, you have enough to live. It’s time to have more than enough. And it’s time to step out of that living in those places of oh my gosh, we just need enough. Or I hear people tell me that, you know, it’s selfish to want more than enough. And I’m like, no, there’s plenty to go around. That’s more of that lack mindset. There’s still plenty. There’s plenty to go around. So I would encourage everybody out there. Go get a sum of money out that scares the holy living shit out of you and makes you a little nervous and then watch as things just kind of roll out and take care of themselves.

Rai (41:23):
I love that exercise. And that’s actually something that I teach in my free manifestation course, which is you have to make it physical. And what you’re saying is you’re taking this concept of the universe of energy, of money as a conduit for energy in you’re making it physical. You’re saying, let’s turn it into those bills. Let’s have it take up space in your physical world. And then all of a sudden, it becomes real

Gina (41:47):
Yes it does. And it just relieves that whole, we don’t have enough because you go, oh yes I do. I can go take 20 bucks out of there. Yes. I can go get 50 bucks or 100 bucks or whatever you took out of the bait. You know, to some people it’s 50 bucks and they’re fine with that to other people. It’s $3,000 that, you know, that’s the way they feel. And I really asked them to do just like I do with pricing and I ask them to sit with and ask the number that they need to take out and then trust, you know, if that’s your rent money, you trust that you’re going to be taken care of and you watch the world take care of you because it will happen. But you’ve got to make that first step in showing that you’re ready to be helped. I’m ready. I’m open here. Here I am like, let’s do this

Rai (42:32):
Amazing, absolutely amazing. Gina, thank you so much for being here. And where can people check you out to learn more about all the amazing things that you have to offer?

Gina (42:40):
Well, I appreciate being here. So know that from the bottom of my heart, I’ve really enjoyed our time today. So my website is ginastrole.com. I have a free abundance meditation if you want to do that. And it’s at ginastrole.com/abundance. And if you want to know about my course in abundance, it will be coming out. I’m in the process of recording it. And so it will be there. It’s at www.ginastrole.com/aawl so you can get that there and I truly appreciate your time today. So thanks for having me on. What an awesome chat.

Rai (43:17):
Thanks, Gina.

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